Newbury COA Board of Directors
March 26, 2012
Attendance: Members: Gene Smith, Russ Pierce, Geri Dorr, Evelyn Noyes, LuAnn Kuder
Guest : Martie Joe Absent: Dick Joy, Joe Lojek
LuAnn Kuder called the meeting to order at 1:15
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Old Business:
Scheduled events:
Men’s Breakfast ---April 5
Guest Chef Luncheon ---April 9
Meal delivery not available April 6 (Good Friday) or April 16 (Patriot’s Day)
March 19th Luncheon Guest Speakers from Elder Services discussed Healthy Aging Lecture Series to be held in West Newbury. Three individuals signed up to attend the six week workshop on Chronic Disease Management for conditions like: Arthritis, Asthma, Chronic Back Pain, Diabetes and more.
The Wellness (Blood Pressure) clinics held monthly at the 3 housings continue to average
6 to 8 clients per session.
The Volunteer Luncheon sponsored by the Friends of the COA has changed from Thursday, April 26th to Wednesday April 25th. The invitations were sent with the date change.
9 individuals attended the Hearing Screening held on March 21st.
The Friends have sent the $6,000 check to the town of Newbury for the transfer of ownership of the shared van.
New Business:
All Board Members and COA staff must complete the conflict of interest filing and print out the certification and return to the Town Clerk.
LuAnn made a motion, seconded by Russell for the Board to draft a memo and send to the Town Administrator asking to use some of the donation from Mr. Geiger to purchase 30 chairs for the common room as the current ones are 8 years old and were originally purchased second hand. In addition the request to purchase a lap top for the Outreach Worker to access the internet when doing home visits to determine eligibility for additional benefits under the Federal benefits checkup program.
All were in favor of this motion.
Other Business: Next meeting April 23, 2012